Thursday, February 18, 2016


My podcast focuses solely as my blog does. A look at gaining success in business through learning from the successful. Executives, mid level leaders, and ourselves have to be confident in our competencies before we can be promoted. To continue to success we must always learn and evolve.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Creating a professional social media brand....

As you have learned my brand strategy is based around performance and knowledge in the market place. What I have done to create a professional appearance that compliments my brand strategy on social media is simple. First I have established an audience, second I post relevant accomplishments, and lastly I follow professional networks that enable me to build my knowledge further.

To establish an audience takes time, but to do this you must connect to business partners and customers. Use the social media platform to your advantage. Seek out your customers and connect because they may post compliments about you. By connecting with business partners and leadership this gives them easy access to your audience and the good things they have to say about you.

Pay attention to what you post. Make it relevant to your brand and where your focus is. If you post personal comments or degrading comments your audience may link these to your brand. By only commenting positive, relevant building comments, this is how your audience will perceive you.

Finally follow professionals and networks that compliment your focus. If your focus is success and business knowledge like mine, you want to follow the same. For example, I follow business moguls that have accomplished financial success through hard work and focus. I also follow business networks that post best demonstrated practices that can help me build my success and competencies.

On LinkedIn I follow Entrepreneur Media, Sales Management Executives, and What Inspires Me to name a few. These networks constantly give incite to business success and business practice. Pick a couple in your professional social media page that will do the same.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Building your knowledge from experts.....

Hello Readers,
             As bloggers people tend to write about their expertise and experiences in areas they are passionate about. I write about my expertise in growing my business, because I am passionate about just that. My business is my career, and my career is what I am passionate about. In mid level management I can confidently blog about what has helped me get this far, while also write about what I am personally working on to get to the executive level. To gain expertise people must always be learning. A great way to learn your passion and become better at it is to learn from other experts. Vlogging has given people the ability to do this at any time of the day.
             A vlog that I use to build my knowledge of business is Chris Ducker. Chris uses his blog to discuss popular topics in the business world. By watching these I can learn about relevant business topics such as social media, process, or promotion. This enables me to use these tools and topics to build my personal brand in business.
             One of his vlogs about using social media is based around SnapChat and using it to grow your business. By using SnapChat to grow your business you can effectively promote your business because the chat has to be viewed and opened to see it. Secondly he explains that you can track this by the amount of opens by users which allows your business to gather information technology. Finally he explains that only 2% of businesses use this. All these things can help you to effectively reach an audience that you are targeting.

Chris Ducker: 3 Reasons to Start Using SnapChat