Friday, January 29, 2016

"Learn Everywhere...even other blogs"

There is so much information out there in the world today for readers to try and interpret.
When it comes to being successful in the business world, what and who do we listen to? To build confidence around our business knowledge as new professionals, we must learn from others who came before us.

To do this we can use social media to our advantage. One thing I have come to understand in this rat race is that most successful people enjoy sharing their secrets. This is because successful people like to bread success in everything they do. They have confidence in their process and they know that they have the keys to real perfection.

 Below are five of the most top rated business blogs in the world according to Blogrank ( By using successful guidance that is followed internationally we can grow our knowledge of what it takes to be successful and set goals around it.

Seth's Blog.

Shoe Money.

Chris Brogan.

Successful Blog.

Logic + Emotion.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

The grind doesn't have to be this way!

Hello all,

     My name is Nicholas Redington! I am a mid level management employee for a Fortune 500 company, and want to discuss both my experiences along with yours in the business world. The world of business can be inviting to a young demographic, but cutthroat when you enter the lions den. My idea for this blog is for you, and I to discuss topics that will allow us to escape the mid level management positions and enter into the executive level. My personal branding strategy from this blog is to gain valuable incite from each of you to better my executive presence within the corporate world.

                                                                                                                                     Nick R.

Ethan Bagdanov-

Morgan Beeler-

Travis Sanders-

Morgan Smarr-

Vickie Doane-